Mike Zeidler2020-09-03T12:23:28+00:00
Don’t watch the clock, watch whatever you’re doing(First published in The Innovation on Medium here)Last time I baked, I burned the bread. Such a stupid mistake to make, and yet it’s so common. Watch the clock instead of the thing you’re doing, and things will often go wrong. I was paying attention to the wrong kind of time…
If only I’d stuck to the principles of Open Space, it would all have worked out fine.
Open Space started out as a “simple way to run productive meetings, for five to 2000+ people” which we quickly learned also turns out to be a “powerful approach to leadership”. I fell in love with the method 15 years ago, finding it so useful that besides using it to facilitate work, I regularly call on it’s wisdom in everyday life.
There are just 4 principles and one ‘law’ in Open Space, and you don’t need to learn anything new or have...